
House rules : these rules govern how we treat each other at OLVG

We welcome you to OLVG. We think it is important that everyone feels comfortable here - which is why it is important to establish some clear ground rules with each other. When you enter our hospital, we request that you follow our house rules. A pleasant environment can't be created alone!


No one is permitted to make hurtful, discriminatory or offensive remarks. 

Visiting hours

Our visitors shall adhere to the ward visiting hours. A maximum of 2 visitors per patient is permitted. 

Theft and destruction

In the event of theft or destruction of property, we always call the police. There is CCTV surveillance in and around the hospital which keeps track of what's going on.

Drugs and alcohol

The use of drugs or drinking alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beer or wine in or around the hospital is not permitted. We shall refuse entry to people who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Taking photographs and filming

Filming or photographing hospital staff and other patients and visitors without their permission is strictly prohibited. Official permission must always be requested in advance to be allowed to film/photograph in the hospital.

Hazardous objects

Weapons and other dangerous items that we find will be confiscated by security.


Pets are not allowed.

Mobile devices

The use of mobile devices is permitted in every room, unless their use is specifically prohibited. Take the peace and privacy of other patients and visitors into account!

Undesirable behaviour

Physical violence shall never be threatened or used.

Being aware of each other

Visitors must take patients into account, behave calmly and talk in a normal tone of voice.

Smoke-free hospital

Smoking is not permitted in and around OLVG. This also applies to e-cigarettes, such as vapers and other types of smoke-free cigarettes.

Help us by following these rules.

We do everything we can to monitor the house rules. If these rules are broken, a warning will be issued. In the worst case scenario, we will be forced to deny you access to OLVG. If you notice a violation of our house rules, please report this to one of our employees.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the house rules, please contact the Legal Affairs department at juridischezaken@olvg.nl.