More about MijnOLVG
With MijnOLVG you can view and manage your personal data. You can, for example, see your planned appointments, view test results and ask short questions.
Our employees are happy when you discuss comments or complaints directly with them. It is often possible to arrive at a resolution together directly through these sorts of conversations. If you cannot resolve it together, or if you find it difficult to have this sort of conversation, please contact our complaints officer. The complaints officer is independent and can help you find the right way to handle your complaint.
You can make a comment or complaint about any experience you were dissatisfied with at OLVG. This may, for example, relate to medical treatment, care, interaction with staff, provision of information or organisation of care.
OLVG patients can submit a complaint. Legal representatives and direct relatives of patients can also submit a complaint. Third parties can only submit a complaint with your permission. We will not deal with anonymous complaints because the situation that the complaint concerns cannot be assessed.
If you just want to tell your story so that OLVG can learn from your experience and you do not think any further action is necessary, you can report your complaint to the complaints officer. This will bring your complaint to the attention of the person/people concerned.
With mediation through the complaints officer, you can explain how you think the care provision has failed and the employee concerned can provide an explanation. This can be done in the following ways:
The complaints officer is available from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 16:30 at the East and West locations. You can approach the complaints officer using the complaints form or by letter. In any event, we will still need your name, patient number or date of birth, address, e-mail address and telephone number.
The complaints officer can be reached:
OLVG, t.a.v. klachtenfunctionaris
Postbus 95500
1090 HM Amsterdam
Having contacted the complaints officer, you may still not be satisfied even after steps are taken. You can then submit your complaint to the Complaints Investigation Committee. In order for a complaint to be dealt with by the Complaints Investigation Committee, it must be submitted in writing (letter or complaint form).
If you want to request compensation because you think that you have suffered damage, due to medical treatment for example, you can hold OLVG liable. A claim for damages must be submitted in writing. Make sure to write in your letter that it's a 'claim for liability'. Mention in your letter what happened and when and what caused the damage you suffered.
You can then send this letter to the Legal Affairs department which will handle your claim and provide you with further information.
OLVG, Juridische Zaken (Legal Affairs)
Postbus 95500
1090 HM Amsterdam
e-mail address:
It's best to contact your health insurer if you have a question or a complaint about (the amount of) your invoice. Your health insurer can then get in touch with the OLVG. If you still have questions, you can take them to the Financial Affairs department. The complaints officer can advise you about this.
You can rest assured that we will take your complaint seriously and treat your information with strict confidentiality. We assure you that your complaint will have no impact on your treatment. We register every complaint. We process this data anonymously in overviews for management and the board of directors.
Your complaint is an important tool in helping us to improve the quality of our care and our services at OLVG. There are no costs associated with the complaints procedure at OLVG. You will have to cover the costs of (legal) assistance, if necessary.