More about MijnOLVG
With MijnOLVG you can view and manage your personal data. You can, for example, see your planned appointments, view test results and ask short questions.
frequently searched: Vacatures, Orthopedie, Bloedafname
With the patientportal MijnOLVG you can view your personal medical record within a secure digital environment. To be able to use MijnOLVG you need a BSN (citizen service number), mobile phone number and/or e-mail address
With MijnOLVG you can view and manage your personal data. You can, for example, see your planned appointments, view test results and ask short questions.
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1. Select the text you want to translate.
2. Choose 'Vertalen'.
3. Select the preferred language.
4. You can now read and/or listen to the translated text.
Please note that the text has been translated using third-party software. The most accurate translation possible was generated; however, no automated translation is perfect, and automated translations are not a replacement for human translators. Translations are offered as a service to the users of this website. There is no guarantee that the translation will be accurate, reliable or correct. OLVG is in no way responsible for the actual translation. If you have any questions, you should always consult your doctor.